Pengaruh Display Produk Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Toko Kita Panorama Di Kota Bengkulu
Kata Kunci:
Product Display, Price, Purchase DecisionAbstrak
Shop Kita Panorama Bengkulu is a shop that sells all kinds of food and daily necessities. Located on Jalan Panorama Raya, the shop, which is led by Mrs. Sri Wedari, has been selling since 2015. Besides Kita Panorama Bengkulu, there are many other shops along Panorama Raya Street. This is what makes the competition around Toko Kita Panorama Bengkulu increasingly tight. Seeing the conditions of increasingly fierce competition, the management must be able to give confidence to customers to continue making purchasing decisions at Shop kita Panorama Bengkulu.The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of product display and price on purchasing decisions at Toko Kita Panorama Bengkulu. The sample in this study were 75 consumers who shopped at Toko Kita Panorama Bengkulu. Collecting data using a questionnaire and the analytical method used is multiple linear regression, determination test and hypothesis testing.The results of multiple linear regression calculations obtained multiple linear regression equation Y = 13.204 + 0.335X1 + 0.202X2. The coefficient of determination of the value of R square is 0.633. This means that X1 (Product Display) and X2 Price, affect the purchase decision (Y) by 63.3%while the remaining 36.7% is influenced by other factors outside the model. The results of the t test at a significance level of 0.05. Partially explain that Product Display and Price variables have a significant influence on the Purchase Decision variable at the Kita Panorama Bengkulu Store. The results of the F test at a significance level of 0.05 explain that the Product Display and Price variables have a simultaneous (together) effect on the Purchase Decision at the Kita Panorama Bengkulu Store
Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2022 Sunofra Rahmadoni, Ida Anggriani , Yanto

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