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QRIS Services, Bengkulu Bank, Payment, Digital TransactionsAbstrak
This research examines the development of the use of QRIS as a digital transaction tool at Bank Bengkulu. Researchers discuss the effectiveness as seen from the ease of use and benefits of using QRIS efficiently to make it easier for the millennial generation to make transactions and this is part of Bank Indonesia's services so that QRIS services remain safe, easy and cheap to use. Users simply scan the QRIS QR Code when making a transaction. Various innovations from current technological developments continue to diversify into various kinds of development, especially in the field of digital transactions. Almost all activities in the digitalization era are fast, accurate and efficient. The role of the internet has attracted some business actors to switch from traditional business models to online-based business models as well as inventories with information or physical goods that are modified with electronic products that utilize digital marketing that uses digital technology that has been integrated with new technology such as smartphones and supporting applications. . The aim of the research is to measure the effectiveness of using QRIS as a digital transaction tool in Bima City. This type of research is qualitative with purposive sampling. The research sample is millennial generation students who always use QRIS as a means of payment when purchasing various products or services both online and offline. Interview data collection techniques and literature studies. From the interview results, it was found that the use of QRIS at Bank Bengkulu provides convenience and benefits for the effective use of QRIS. This is reflected in the results of interviews with informants who stated that they did not find any difficulties in using QRIS and that using QRIS even made it easier for them to carry out several of these transactions. purchase and payment transactions for products/services both online and offline.
Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Anggi Pratama Hakim, M. Rahman Febliansa , Dodi Hardinata

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