Analisis Proses Editing Program Jurnal ESATV Di Stasiun ESATV Bengkulu


  • Yedi Gosti Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu
  • Dra. Asnawati Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu
  • Sapta Sari Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu


Video Editor, TV Journalism, News Program, Television Media


This research is an effort to find and know an editing process that airs on private television stations, more specifically knowing the editing process of the Esatv journal program, whose editing is more directed and explores how the news editing process is. Some questions that further direct the author include: How is the news editing process of the Esatv Bengkulu Journal program, and does the Esatv journal editing program process carried out by the editor use Edwin S. Porter's theory, namely Three Match Cut? Porter's Three Match Cut theory? The author will analyze it using a qualitative approach by raising the editing process that is guided by Edwin S. Porter's theory. Porter's theory because according to the author, Porter's theory is suitable for this scientific work; Three Match Cut, namely Match The Look where in editing the suitability of the eye view must be appropriate, second Match The Position means that the edited image must be suitable for the eye, according to the previous position and Match The Movement, is to equalize the movement in the video so that it can become a continuous image. In the world of journalism, video editing is rarely mentioned, even though video editing is also part of journalism, based on this, it is rare for the journalism field to raise scientific papers on the video editing process. In Esatv journal program news makers, most people judge news editing work to be easy, so for this reason the author wants to explore the program from the editing side. The editing process of Esatv Journal is guided by Porter's Theory; Three Match Cut, where the editor edits based on Match The Look, Match The Position and Match The Movement, the editor edits the news partly using Porter's editing theory, but also sometimes the editor deviates from the theory, so in this news editing program when the editor edits referring to Edwin S. Porter's Theory the results of the edit look continuous, the editor's editing looks good. Porter's theory, the editing results look continuous, but when the editor leaves Porter's theory, the editing results will clearly look jumping or not connecting with the previous picture.




How to Cite

Gosti, Y. . ., Asnawati, D. . ., & Sari, S. . (2019). Analisis Proses Editing Program Jurnal ESATV Di Stasiun ESATV Bengkulu. Seminar Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, 49–60. Retrieved from


