Strategi Komunikasi Partisipatif Kepala Desa Pada Program Pembangunan Desa (Studi Pada Desa Lokasi Baru Kecamatan Air Periukan Kabupaten Seluma)
Participatory Communication Strategy, Communication Media, Community and Drainage DevelopmentAbstract
This study is based on the fact that development in a region should involve the local community, because they are the ones who know the problems in their area. In realizing community participation it is necessary to communicate the development programs. in line with the above facts in need of an effort to develop an attitude of spirit, understand what is the participation and the importance of participation so that it can arouse the spirit in carrying out development activities in the Village New Location, For that need the role of village head. This study aims to determine the village leader's participatory communication strategy in the village development program (Drainage Development). This research is a qualitative descriptive research, by taking data from community and Head of Village New Location as research object. As for data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation.through the technique the author tries to illustrate how the village leader's participatory communication strategy on the drainage development program in the Village New Location Air Periukan District Seluma District using the theory of tufte and mefalopulos (2009). the results of this study reveal that in the process of drainage development Village Head involves the community. Stages of the community are involved starting from the initial planning until the construction of the drainage is completed. the process of participatory village communication strategy in the drainage development program has been done quite well seen from the various communications conducted successfully mobilize the community to participate, Head of village using communication media such as Dialog, bulletin board ,baleho, and blogs.suggestions for Village Heads New Location Village Heads Better New Location in involving the community not only those who have skills in the field of development but provide opportunities for people who are willing to participate even if they do not have the skills by way of empowermentcommunity to be more skilled.
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