Kata Kunci:
Linux, NIDS, android, network, flooding dataAbstrak
This research aims to build a network intrusion detection system based on the Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) and implement a notification system on Android using a telegram bot application to receive monitoring results from NIDS quickly. This research is using experimental method. In this study, the implementation of the Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) and notification system using the Telegram application on an Android smartphone was carried out. The experimental results are then documented to conduct analysis so that appropriate recommendations are made for NIDS with notifications using the Telegram application on Android. From the results of the analysis, conclusions will be obtained regarding the benefits, functions and advantages of the system that has been built. The results of this study indicate that the Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) can detect ICMP flooding and UDP flooding attacks on the Intranet network. The results of the attack are sent to the network admin using a telegram bot notification system so that the admin can receive notifications of ICMP and UDP flooding attacks using a bash shell?based script. From the results of attack detection, there is a time difference of 5 minutes for the detection of UDP flooding attacks by the NIDS server, while for ICMP flooding attacks there is no time difference.