Pemanfaatan Teknologi Untuk Menganalisa Sentimen Masyarakatdalam Membantu Peningkatan Ekonomi Kreatif Di Era New Normal
Kata Kunci:
Social Media, Creative Economy, Hastag, Naïve Bayes ClassifieAbstrak
The use of social media is not only for communicating between friends, but is often used as a means to convey an aspiration for the community, especially the Indonesian people, regarding legal issues or problems related to the creative economy. One of the aspirations conveyed through this social media is a hashtag that is widely seen every day with a tranding level, this statement comes from many sentiments from every community, some provide positive sentiments and also negative sentiments regarding responses to these hashtags which can have a good impact. or bad for everyday life in society. From this problem, the author will explain to produce a solution where the hashtag can have a good impact on society or vice versa can have an impact on the progress of the creative economy business in the new normal era. In analyzing this, the researcher uses the Naïve Bayes Classifier method which is a machine learning method that uses probability calculations, this automatic hashtag classification can be adjusted so as to minimize misclassification actions personally by obtaining positive or negative sentiment information so as to produce information that can be useful for the wider community, especially in Indonesia.