Perancangan Layanan Surat Masyarakat Dan Administrasi Penduduk Pada Kantor Lurah 28 Ilir Palembang


  • Bambang Setiawan Program Studi Sistem Informasi STMIK GI MDP Palembang
  • Desy Iba Ricoida Program Studi Sistem Informasi STMIK GI MDP Palembang

Kata Kunci:

Population, MySQL, Prototype, Report


Kelurahan 28 Ilir is one of the agencies under the city government of Palembang. In processing the population data, the village head office of 28 Ilir is still not optimal, causing services in the village to be less effective. The purpose of making this system is to facilitate the process of population data collection services, making resident letters and the process of reporting population data. The method used to build this application is a prototype by conducting observations and interviews and using PIECES analysis to look for problems and analysis of functional and non-functional requirements, as well as usecase diagrams and for application design using DFD and ERD and using MySQL for databases and using Visual Studio Code. as editor. With the population system, it is hoped that it can assist residents in recording population data and making it easier for the community.



Cara Mengutip

Setiawan, B., & Ricoida, D. I. (2021). Perancangan Layanan Surat Masyarakat Dan Administrasi Penduduk Pada Kantor Lurah 28 Ilir Palembang. Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer (SNASIKOM), 1(1), 176–189. Diambil dari