Pengaruh Strategi Pemasaran, Nilai Sosial Dan Lingkungan Ekonomi Terhadap Minat Beli Brand Rucas Di Media Tiktok Shop
Kata Kunci:
Marketing Strategy, Social Value, Economic Environment, Buying InterestAbstrak
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of Marketing Strategy, Social Value and Economic Environment on Buying Interest of Rucas Brand in Tiktok Shop Media. Type of research is a quantitative descriptive research with a questionnaire method.The results of this study show that there is an influence of Marketing Strategy on the buying interest of Rucas Brand on Tiktok Shop based on the results of the calculation test for the social value is 2.455 when compared to the ttable of 1.661 and the tcount of the table (2.445>1.661) with a level of 0.001<5%, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. There is an influence of Social Value on the buying interest of Rucas Brand on Tiktok Shop based on the results of the calculation test for the Social Value is 2.589 when compared to the ttable of 1,661 and the tcount>ttable (2,589>1,661) with a level of 0.003<5%, then Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. There is an influence of the Economic Environment on the buying interest of Rucas Brand in Tiktok Shop Media based on the results of the calculation test for the Social Value is 3.763 the calculation value is 3.763 when compared with the ttable of 1,661 and the tcount>ttable (3.763>1.661) with a value of 0.002<5%, then Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. The result of the Ftable is 2.70 because of the Fcount>Ftable (7.894>2.70) then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, meaning that it has a significant effect on the variables of Marketing Strategy, Social Value and Economic Environment jointly or simultaneously on the buying interest of Rucas Brand on Tiktok Shop. The value of the determined coefficient is Adjusted R Square R2 = 0.780. This value means that the independent variables together contribute 78% in influencing dependent variables with moderate criteria.
Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Okta Feranica Annisa, Ahmad Soleh , Ida Ayu Made Er Meytha Gayatri

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