Inovasi Dan Daya Saing Umkm Di Era Globalisasi
Kata Kunci:
Innovation, Competitiveness, MSMEs, Globalization, Digital TechnologyAbstrak
Innovation and competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the era of globalization are very crucial to maintain the existence and growth of this sector. MSMEs contribute more than 60% to Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and absorb around 97% of the workforce. However, with technological advances and increasingly fierce competition, MSMEs are required to adapt through continuous innovation. Innovation includes not only new product development but also improvements in production processes, management, and marketing strategies. This research aims to analyze the factors that influence innovation in MSMEs and their impact on competitiveness in the global market. The results show that internal factors such as human resources and technology, as well as external factors such as government policy and market dynamics, greatly influence the ability of MSMEs to innovate. By utilizing digital technology and creative approaches, MSMEs can increase their competitiveness, expand markets and make a significant contribution to the national economy.
Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Ahmad Lubis , Ahmad Soleh , Muhammad Rahman Febliansa

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